What are the root causes of tooth sensitivity?

What are the root causes of tooth sensitivity?

The root cause of tooth sensitivity can be multiple factors, here are some common causes:

  Enamel wear: Enamel is the protective layer on the surface of teeth. If it is worn or eroded, the dentin can be exposed, causing tooth sensitivity.

  Gum recession: Gum recession is when the gums move down, exposing the dentin of the tooth. This can lead to sensitivity in the cervical area because dentin is more irritated than enamel.
tooth sensitivity
  Caries or pulpitis: If a tooth is affected by caries or pulpitis, the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) may become irritated, causing tooth sensitivity.

  Excessive brushing: Using a too hard toothbrush or brushing too hard will wear down the enamel, exposing the dentin and causing tooth sensitivity.

  Acidic diet and beverages: Regular intake of acidic foods and beverages (such as lemon juice, carbonated beverages, etc.) can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth sensitivity.

  Dentist Treatment: Some dentist treatments, such as tooth bleaching or root canal treatment, can cause temporary tooth sensitivity.

  Gingivitis or periodontal disease: Gingivitis or periodontal disease is caused by infection and inflammation of the periodontal tissue, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

  These are some common causes of tooth sensitivity, but the exact cause varies from individual to individual.
tooth sensitivity
  Our NoAging electric toothbrush is recommended. It uses high-speed vibrating bristles and intelligent induction technology to provide gentle but effective teeth cleaning. The soft bristles of the NoAging Electric Toothbrush reduce irritation to teeth and gums while helping to remove plaque and dirt.

  To buy a NoAging electric toothbrush or learn more about teeth, please visit the NoAging official website.
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